
25 February 2016

Microsoft Releases Third Technical Preview Of Windows Server 2016 And System Center 2016

Posted By: Networking Academy - 1:49 PM
Microsoft has released the third technical preview of its upcoming Windows Server 2016 operating system and System Center 2016 service management suite, bringing a variety of improvements, functionality and several new key features. These enhancements include new Nano Server functionality, software defined network (SDN) management and the first public preview of Windows Server Containers.

Nano Server Enhancements

The latest version of Windows Server 2016 (TP3) offers several improvements to Nano Server, a minimal-footprint deployment option that can be installed to a physical host or virtual machine. A new Emergency Management console allows users to observe and correct networking configurations from the existing Nano Server console. Additionally, ASP.Net v5 applications can now run using CoreCLR, and Azure VMs can run Nano Server thanks to a new PowerShell script. Nano Server's capabilities have generally improved while maintaining a minimal footprint on system resources.

To The Cloud!

Server 2016 TP3 continues to build upon the operating system's focus on cloud computing by including a scalable network controller for policy management and deployment, an L4 load balancer, and enhanced network gateways for hybrid connectivity. These improvements also give us a first look at the core set of networking capabilities and SDN architecture used in Microsoft's Azure cloud computing platform.

Containers In Server 2016

The most significant addition to Windows Server 2016 TP3 is the first public build of Windows Server Containers, enabling operating system level virtualization for running multiple isolated applications in a single host container.
"This is the first step in bringing containers to the Windows Server ecosystem, and we're excited about the possibilities," stated Microsoft's official Server & Cloud blog. "We're committed to making containers a part of the modern application platform available to our customers in the 2016 wave of datacenter solutions."
This is great news for developers who were promised DevOps benefits for Windows Server environments by Microsoft and Docker, which also released its own technical preview of the Docker Engine daemon for Windows Server.

System Center 2016 And Other Management

The third technical preview of System Center 2016 also comes packed with feature enhancements that make it easier to manage Windows Server 2016. Support for rolling upgrades for cluster nodes and support for Nano Server as both a host and file server have been added to the Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM), and you can also manage Shielded VMs and guarded hosts with ease. Improvements to the storage capabilities include better end-to-end quality of service and faster data retrieval using storage tiers. Furthermore, Microsoft has released the Remote Server Administration Tool (RSAT) for Windows 10 client systems, enabling remote management of Windows Server 2016 TP3.
The latest technical preview of Windows Server 2016 and System Center 2016 seem to make good on Microsoft's promise to bring containers to the Windows environment, and further improves upon its focus on cloud computing and virtualization management with several key feature improvements and deployments. It should not be too long before we hear the rumblings of an eminent retail release of the highly anticipated server operating system and its management counterparts. This newest preview just makes us hope it comes sooner than later.

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